

Anthony Crawford: all vocals & instruments
Produced by Anthony Crawford
Recorded & mixed by Anthony Crawford in Tennessee
(P) & (C) 2011 Admiral Bean Records

“This song was written from my home on a hill in Tennessee. Almost every day I’d feel the presence of a higher power. The energy there was strong and able to change. Once again I just put myself in neutral, and allowed the force to move where it wanted to go”

On the hill, you see forever
On the hill, lives an angel
On the hill, she’s making over me

In the shed, built like Noah
In the shed, from divine direction
In the shed, it's my covering

Now the sun is shining on my privacy
We are together and that's the way it needs to be
That's the way I hope we always stay

On the hill... Living

From heaven I believe
She was sent down here to shine her light
On you and me
The only two people in the world to see
From on the hill
Now the sun is shining on my privacy
We are together and that's the way it needs to be
That's the way I hope we always stay
On the hill... You see for ever
On the hill... Lives an angel
On the hill... She's making over me

(Anthony Crawford) – Admiral Bean Music, BMI –


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